Monday 8 June 2015

Saturday 6 June 2015

LO5: Reflection On Feedback

After our meeting with Vicky Kilby, as a team we must improve upon: 

  • The segments could have included more information on the games releases mentioned
  • More research needs to be done on local gaming events, developments and tech
These two improvements will be written in more detail in order to make the script longer and less vague.

As a team, we were successful in:

  • Equally distributing dialogue between both presenters
  • The script follows the the correct genre of the show
  • The language and formed used in the script will be understood by the target audience
  • The tone of the script was good and upbeat
By acting on our feedback, we intend to improve on the above points.
We will do this by researching the games releases we mention in the original script and including more information about each game in terms of gameplay, technological advances, development from previous sequels and platform adjustments.  
We will also research local gaming events, developments and companies in order to make our script more suited for a local audience.  This will also represent the interest in gaming in Sheffield and surrounding areas.

By making these changes, we hope that our script will be perfect for the news section of The Games Corner which will be broadcast on Sheffield Live! Television.

We have devised some questions to help us think about the feedback we have been given.

1. Have needs/expectations been met for the client brief and target audience?

For this unit, we were asked to create a 5 minute TV News Broadcast  script which would actually be broadcast on Sheffield Live! TV. The show that the script was for is called The Games Corner.  The target audience for this programme are avid gamers and people interested in the latest gaming news. The Games Corner has a NRS social grade of C1, D & E which means viewers have very little disposable income and quite a few families are on benefits.   This is due to SLTV only being available for the people of Sheffield and Sheffield is known as being a deprived area. Our script relates to the target audience as we speak about affordable mainstream games and have very down to earth presenters which can connect with the audience.  As Sheffield Live! are a community brand, they must remit aspects of this which include making content suitable for a diverse audience.

2. What were the clients likes and dislikes?

Vicky from The Games Corner said that she really liked the content of the script although she feels that it was slightly short and some of the topics could have been in more depth.  She also liked our form and style and commented on our speaking distribution saying that it was fair and evenly shared out.  The only thing she disliked about our script was the fact it was more international than local.  Therefore our next steps will be to research local gaming events and conventions and include them in our script to make it more appealing to a local audience.  This is important because Vicky is the founder and presenter of The Games Corner so it is essential that she likes everything about the script.  It is also important to get the script perfect as it is going out on live television therefore it cannot look or sound amateur.  

3. What are the relevant changes that need to be made to the script?

Relevant changes that need to be made to our TV News Broadcast script are making it more local and elaborating on our current script.  For example, we will talk more in-depth about the gameplay of the new releases and how these releases differ to previous sequels.   We will also add more camera directions to our script in order to make it more descriptive.  We are going to make these changes because it will help our script look more professional and be to a higher standard for television.  These changes will also help us connect to our target audience better as the content will be more local.  

4. Is the content of the product correct?

Based on the content and layout, our script meets the conventions of a TV News Broadcast script as it includes dialogue, locations, camera work and sound.  When gaining feedback, Vicky from SLTV commented on how well our script followed these conventions and complimented us on how well we had presented the script.  The language of our script was informal. This is because our target audience are teenagers therefore informal relaxed news can connect with them more.  Although the language was informal, the information was still extremely informative and followed conventions of a news broadcast, giving the latest news from the gaming world.  This informal language is different to the language that BBC News use as our script has a specific target audience and genre.  The house style used in our script follows the conventions of a TV News Broadcast script as it was written in the font Courier and is size 12.  This is the generic font and size used for scripts as it is extremely clear and readable.   Camera directions are also included in our script in order to make it a shooting script.  This means that both the presenters and camera team can use the same script.  Our script also follows the typical conventions of a script with the location, GFX and SFX on the right hand side, the dialogue in the centre and the camera actions on the left hand side.  The mode of address for our script is both peer to peer and teacher to pupil.  This is because peer to peer means that the presenters connect well with the target audience however they still inform the viewer meaning that it also includes aspects of teacher to pupil as the audience member will be learning about the current gaming news.  Although there are aspects of teacher to pupil, the language is still informal yet informative in order to follow the conventions of a TV News Broadcast script and relate to the target audience.  

5.  Does it meet legal and ethical requirements?

According to Ofcom Broadcasting codes, our script adheres with this as it has appropriate content for children under 18 years old.  This is because the show will be broadcast mid day therefore it must be pre- watershed.  This means that it will not include any offensive language, sexual, drug or violent references.  Our script is free of any of these making it appropriate and follows the Ofcom code. An example of this is we have not spoken about any games that are PEGI 18 or have strong graphical violent images. We have considered ethical issues such as discrimination and appropriate language. This is because we can not produce anything offensive towards the viewers,topics including religion or gender or sexuality.  As we are making a gaming news script, these issues will not be present making it appealing for our target audience and abide by Ofcom Broadcasting codes.

We are not biased in our script as the presenters do not talk about their opinions of the games, just about the releases and stick to facts.  This is because if one of the presenters said that they did not like the game, this could influence peoples' decisions to purchase the game and/or offend the production company.   However, we are able to promote local gaming events and conventions as this is free publicity and the purpose of the show is to showcase the local gaming talent.   Sheffield Live! advertise local events for the community. We would gain copyright for any music and graphics found by requesting for permission to use them and crediting them in the show.  We must gain permission to use any sound or images as it will be going out live on TV and could result in being sued. We will ensure that information being broadcast is not libel as this means 'false information'. We will do this by using trusted sources for information and official websites.  It is important to reference our sources in order to back up our information to prove that it is not false. An example of a source we have used is the official Game Republic as it is all true information.

Thursday 4 June 2015

LO4: Final Script

Wednesday 3 June 2015

LO4: Improved Script

All of the highlighted sections are where we have taken on board Vicky's comments and made changes to our script. These include additional information on the front page such as the set design, location, air time and presenters. On the following pages, the highlighted areas are indicating additional dialogue to include more information on subjects such as the event or game specifically; this is due to the feedback from Vicky. 

Monday 1 June 2015

LO4: Updated Research Notes

EGX 2015 information available at sourced on 16/03/15
MCSG Asia information available at sourced on 17/03/15
ENADA information available at sourced on 17/03/15
March 2015 releases by Playstationlifestyle available at - sourced on 18/03/15

Information about Battlefield: Hardline sourced at on the 20/03/15

List of game releases in March available at
Sourced on 23/03/15

Spongebob HeroPants game information available at and both sourced on 23/03/15 

Slender Man The Arrival game information available at Sourced on the 23/03/15

Information for the Gaming Republic Networking event is available at Sourced on 23/03/15

Wednesday 20 May 2015

LO4: Meeting Minutes

Meeting 2 – 20/05/15
1.     Apologies
2.     Roles in the Team
3.     Agenda items – Initial Ideas/allocating roles/Script Writing/Research
4.     Deadlines
5.     AOB

Distribution: The Games Corner

Agenda Item
Time Frame
1. Do you think that our script follows the correct genre of The Games Corner? Why?

Vicky agreed that our script follows the correct genre and has good coverage such as Gaming Expo’s and releases
None Needed
2. When researching our week, it seemed to be very slow for news - Do you think that this shows or is there enough content for a substantial news section?

Vicky told us that she thinks that the brevity of the script does show however in order to improve this, we could research more local events and talk about local companies.
Sophie is going to research games releases in more detail to current games mentioned in order to give more information. 
Molly will type the research up to amend the script to act on Vicky’s feedback.
Annabel will find footage and gain copyright permission to use in between the news section.
3. Do you think that the dialogue is shared between you and Jordan well or is it too one sided?

Vicky thinks that the dialogue is evenly shared between both presenters.
None Needed
4.  Does the language and form used in the script make it understandable for your target audience? Why?

Vicky told us that she thinks the language and form used are appropriate and other audiences would understand the language and form too.
None Needed
5.  What would you change about our script?

Overall, Vicky said that the script is too short and doesn’t really cover much about what we are telling the viewers.
As a team, we will do the above actions in order to make the script longer and include more detail about games releases as well as add detail about local gaming conventions.

Saturday 9 May 2015