Wednesday 20 May 2015

LO4: Meeting Minutes

Meeting 2 – 20/05/15
1.     Apologies
2.     Roles in the Team
3.     Agenda items – Initial Ideas/allocating roles/Script Writing/Research
4.     Deadlines
5.     AOB

Distribution: The Games Corner

Agenda Item
Time Frame
1. Do you think that our script follows the correct genre of The Games Corner? Why?

Vicky agreed that our script follows the correct genre and has good coverage such as Gaming Expo’s and releases
None Needed
2. When researching our week, it seemed to be very slow for news - Do you think that this shows or is there enough content for a substantial news section?

Vicky told us that she thinks that the brevity of the script does show however in order to improve this, we could research more local events and talk about local companies.
Sophie is going to research games releases in more detail to current games mentioned in order to give more information. 
Molly will type the research up to amend the script to act on Vicky’s feedback.
Annabel will find footage and gain copyright permission to use in between the news section.
3. Do you think that the dialogue is shared between you and Jordan well or is it too one sided?

Vicky thinks that the dialogue is evenly shared between both presenters.
None Needed
4.  Does the language and form used in the script make it understandable for your target audience? Why?

Vicky told us that she thinks the language and form used are appropriate and other audiences would understand the language and form too.
None Needed
5.  What would you change about our script?

Overall, Vicky said that the script is too short and doesn’t really cover much about what we are telling the viewers.
As a team, we will do the above actions in order to make the script longer and include more detail about games releases as well as add detail about local gaming conventions.

Saturday 9 May 2015

Wednesday 6 May 2015

LO4: The Games Corner Script Feedback Evidence

Today we have spoken to Vicky Kilby from Sheffield Live! who is one of the presenters from The Games Corner.  We asked her 5 questions about our script which we could then reflect upon and make amendments to our script.

The 5 questions were...

1. Do you think that our script follows the correct genre of The Games Corner? Why?
2. When researching our week, it seemed to be very slow for news - Do you think that this shows or is there enough content for a substantial news section?
3. Do you think that the dialogue is shared between you and Jordan well or is it too one sided?
4.  Does the language and form used in the script make it understandable for your target audience? Why?
5.  What would you change about our script?

Here is the evidence of our feedback meeting 

Saturday 2 May 2015

LO3: Script Draft